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Alzheimer's and Dementia: Communicate better!


Updated: Jul 17, 2022

Alzheimer’s and dementia have a devastating impact on our elderly loved ones. For sufferers, communication becomes difficult and infrequently very frustrating. They may have a hard time understanding simple things, and will require considerable patience to communicate effectively.

It is our responsibility to make our loved ones feel that we are there for them. It can be scary at times - but with tolerance and understanding we can stay connected, moreover new technologies can be invaluable. When trying to engage in effective conversation follow some of these simple tips:

1.Reduce the background noise and distractions when engaged in a conversation with them. Looking in the eyes and interacting with them using their names will let them know that you are there to reconnect.

2. Be considerate. It is important to be aware of the way you're communicating. Minding your non-verbal cues including your tone, volume, and body language may have adverse effects. Those affected by Alzheimer’s or dementia become more reliant on these signals. Hence, it can be helpful to generate visual cues alongside words such as hand or head gestures, to make it better for them.

3. Listen. Let them communicate. Conversing will always be a challenge for them. Listening to them will play a significant role in letting them feel that they are involved. Be patient and guess what they're trying to convey to reassure them that you are engaged.

4. Keep it short and simple. Keeping your speech short and simple will definitely make it easier for them to understand. Offering choices and focusing on single tasks will encourage your loved one to engage. This will make it easier for them to understand each topic one at a time.

5. Exude positivity. The difficulty in engaging with your loved ones increases as time goes by. However, there's no point in arguing or criticizing them. Taking your time and giving ourselves both a break can help you remain calm and patient during the engagement.

If any of these tips aren’t applicable because you’re not anywhere near your loved one, this new landline specially designed for seniors will help you stay connected. Feel free to email or message us for inquiries!


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